The Real Estate CMO

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Grow Your Client Base! 6 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas

With 87% of sellers using real estate agents to sell their homes, agents are still the key to selling or purchasing a home.

However, the real estate market is competitive, and clients will drop you if they get a better deal or service somewhere else. 

Having a substantial marketing strategy will put you at the forefront of the market. Continue reading below to find out our top 6 real estate marketing ideas. 

1. Website

Many of your potential clients will search the internet to investigate real estate services. Creating your own website for your real estate business will highlight your services and areas of expertise to potential clients.

Always ensure you keep high-quality, up-to-date listings on your website so that your clients have a full view of all the homes on offer.

Add something a little different onto your website, like a mortgage calculator.

2. Blog

A blog is a great way to get content across to your clients and also boost your Google ranking. Ensure that you create content that is optimized for SEO. This will ensure that your blog post shows up in a Google search. 

Ensure that your blog is easy to find from your main website and always link your blog on your social media pages. Don’t forget to include interesting graphics for your posts, this can include infographics as well.

3. Email

Take some time to develop a strong email marketing campaign. This could be a monthly newsletter of the most recent listings or could be a summary of blog content. You can even include things like virtual walk-throughs of specialist properties.

Whatever you decide to include in your email marketing campaign, make sure it is interesting and you include links to your website and social media pages.

4. Social Media

Most people, these days, have access to a smartphone or laptop. Not using social media as part of your marketing campaign could hinder your success as a real estate agent. Make sure you sign up for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Google.

Embed your social media accounts into your website and use your blog content as a basis for your social media posts.

5. Drone Photography and Video

Using drone photography and video it will add another element of unusual material that makes your services unique. Potential homebuyers will be able to see homes from a different point of view. 

Potential sellers will benefit from having their homes videoed and photographed by drone, making it easier to attract more buyers.

6. Referrals

Referrals are possibly one of the most important marketing techniques you can deploy. 39% of sellers use a real estate agent that a family or friend recommended. 

Always ensure you follow up with buyers and sellers a few months after the sale to see how they found your services and if they have any feedback.

Deploy These Real Estate Marketing Ideas Today!

Get more clients by using these real estate marketing ideas today. Whether it’s signing up for social media platforms, or purchasing drone photography equipment, we are sure these tips above will help you stay ahead of your competitors and get more clients.

For more information on real estate marketing, take a look at the other articles on our blog